Monday, January 11, 2010

Love & Nature

For some reason I have a strong love for Owls. Maybe it is their soothing sound in the night or the amount of whimsy they add to the world. Zachary and I have been making lists on items to buy Tegan for her birthday and christmas this year. Yes I understand christmas just ended but please believe me when I tell you I am NOT crazy. Last year we began our holiday shopping with our income tax return rather than waiting until late october like we have in previous years. The huge head start gave us the ability to provide our family with a good christmas without the stress of money and holiday shopping. From here on out we will start our shopping early on in the year; it just makes sense. Thankfully we have an attic to hide gifts in for future years when Tegan turns into miss snoopy.(I can't even get into the attic).

We have decided to buy Tegan a new bedroom set as one of her gifts. I HATE princess, dora, elmo, movie/tv themed bedding. It seems so common, boring and they outgrow it fast. We wanted something original, adorable, girlie, and whimsical for tegan's room. When we came across circo's Love & Nature set we knew it was the one!!! It is perfect for Tegan's room! It fits perfect with her pink and green color scheme and her little white picket fence wall.


The Wendorff's said...

OMG!! I love, love, love that bedding. I am not into cartoon themed bedding or bedrooms either. You have great taste. Tegan has the best mommy!

Anonymous said...

very cute!!

My Beautiful Life said...

Very cute bedding! I love it...I love the orginiality of it because it's not really common and something you see all the time. Tegan is going to LOVE it! Oh and you're smart by starting to shop for Christmas now :)