Monday, February 8, 2010

Well here we are..

Less than a week away from Valentines day and already I am trying my hardest to fight back tears. Maybe it is the fact that birth control takes me on a hormonal roller coaster that I can't get off of. I can try to tell myself that but in reality the truth is that no matter where I am in life and no matter how happy I am I will never forget. Who could forget? Every year my heart starts to throb and my stomach wrenches a bit as we approach February 14th. It is on that day that I relive all the memories in my head. Single moments in time change who we are, a split second can change your life. Everything happens for a reason. I truly believe that. Even in dealing with our losses I remained positive and told myself it happened for a reason. Of course that doesn't make it hurt less, and I will never forget. But I will always remember the reason! The reason for our losses and struggles through our infertility journey is TEGAN! Our sweet bubbly blonde little miracle! God had her in his plans for us; we just had to continue down life's path to find her :)

She is the sweetest most perfect gift we could have ever been blessed with! She is the sunshine to our days and the laughter in all our happiness! She is simply amazing and I don't think I could ever find the right words to express what Zachary and her mean to me!

Little miss Tegan is now the proud owner of a brand new molar!!! Her very first molar finally(after 2 months)made it's way into her little smile. Molar number two isn't too far behind.

This past sunday Zach, Tegan and I went on a little family shopping trip. I always enjoy spending the day out with them. We went to Target and got Tegan a few summer outfits, a spring jacket, some sandals and a new swim suite. Little miss is becoming more and more of a big girl. She doesn't like to be held when out and ridding in the cart and stroller is so uncool. So she proudly holds my hand and walks around like a big girl stopping to say "oooh" or "oh wow" at anything that peaks her interest.
After a wonderful day out we came home and got comfy in our pj's. We played with our giggle box while watching the saints win! :) (woot!). Once our precious little cupcake was sound asleep in my arms I laid her in bed and Zachary and I proceeded to the bedroom where we had our date with the xbox. I admit it, he may have corrupted me just a little bit! But I sure love him! Not too many people can truly say they married their best friend and soul mate! I can :)

1 comment:

My Beautiful Life said...

Wow look at tegan's molars...she's growing up fast! Tegan looked so cute walking around with you at the store...and glad you have another Valentine's day to spend with Tegan and Zach this year...hope it's a lovely one!