Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mommy to a 12 week old!!

My little girl is now 12 weeks old, in a week I will the mommy to a three month old and before I know it she will be celebrating her first birthday!! Time never seemed to slip by so fast until Tegan came into our lives! Ever day she does something new and exciting and she never ceases to amaze us! Tegan is now in size two diapers and in some of her 3-6month clothes!! I just can't get over how big she is getting. She got her ears pierced on monday, she was such a brave girl!! She slept in her crib for the first time last night, I of course slept on the hard floor of her bedroom! I think tonight I will use the monitorsand try to sleep in my own room. My baby is becomming less of a baby each day!! She has such a happy bubbly personality, she lights up our days!!! Here are tons of pictures!!!


Anonymous said...

Awe so cute! You are just getting to my favorite stage of babyhood the 4-8 month stage. The snuggly newborn stage is also wonderful. Her little outfits are so cute! She's such a pretty girl. Good luck with the cuppy kake website !

Evyn said...

She is growing so quick! ANd I totally agree about time..It seems unreal at how fast time is going by. My baby is 5 months old now, and I feel like I just found out I was pregnant with her! This stage is so fun, Amelia is laughing and babbling these days. I love it. I love her little blue outfit, it looks so pretty on Tegans fair skin!

April and Jeff said...

Oh Kristy, Tegan is so unbelievably beautiful!!! What a blessing she is to your family. I can't beleive it's been 3 month she she arrived in this world. Amazing isn't it how they grow so fast?!