Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tegan's Taggie

Little miss Tegan has been doing alot of playing with, chewing and sucking on her burpcloths (cloth diapers). I just couldn't handle her chewing on and cuddling with an icky cloth full of spit up and smelled like sour milk. She has many little loveys but all of which are made out of very soft material with silk backing and for some reason she doesn't like them. She rather have the rough thick texture of an old cloth diaper so I decided to make her a little woobie using a cloth diaper as material. I couldn't decided how to do it and make it cute(after all it is a cloth diaper! haha)..after some thinking the ideas starting coming in. I decided I wanted to make it a little taggie with cute colors and different textures for her little hands. The backing is a nice pink and white polka dot flannel and the front is a cloth diaper that I sewed a strip of pink and white polka flannel on with a square of silk fabric with her initial inside..and of course a little bow. The entire outside is lined with little ribbon tags of different sizes, colors and textures. Tegan LOVES it! Thankfully she took right to it so I no longer have to watch my little princess suck on a puke covered burpcloth. She has been holding onto, playing with, chewing and sucking on it ever since!! Of course I have pictures from today to share!! :)

oh and I have to share my all my excitement!! Tegan's tea time excersaucer should be here any day now! Zach and I picked up a new sink and faucet set and ordered new counter tops and a stove, they will be ready to pick up on the 9th of march! I can't wait!! I am soo tired of cooking off of my 1950's counter top stove that only has one working burner and a griddle (although I will miss the pininis it makes!) I will no longer have to burn my arm on the oven that is up too high for me to safely reach into. We have to remove the cupboard so I can have an actual stove/oven and remove the wall over and build cupboards. It will be a lot of work but it will be sooo worth it!I ordered an organic baby wrap from loveyduds the other day!! I can't wait for it to get here, it will be sooo nice for when we travel in april!!! I have been working out on our wii fit!!! Already I feel the burn! haha. I bought a pair of size 7/8 jean gauchos the other day...size 7/8 woot!! Now if only I could get rid of all this extra skin Tegan gave me...any ideas?? Or am I stuck looking like a deflated balloon forever??? lmao!


The Wendorff's said...

Wow you are so handy. I wish I could sew. I dont have the patience. Tegan looks great. I hope everything is good with you.

Anonymous said...

Tegan has your smile :) Very cute idea!