Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Time doesn't slow for even a second! (TONS of pics)

Tegan is quickly approaching 3 months old! The days just continue to fly by and time doesn't hold back for even the slightest second! So much has changed in so little time. Tegan is getting bigger and bigger each and every day! She is now out of size one diapers and in size 1-2, I had no idea they made half sizes like that!!! Before I know it she will be all the way in size 2! Her 0-3 month clothes are starting to fit a bit too well and some have been retired. I can't believe how big she is getting!!! She is sleeping less and playing more. She is a very happy smiley baby!! There is just nothing like that big gummy smile, it brightens my every day! Tegan has been having more and more play dates with her boyfriend Owen! She went to her first super bowl party and stayed awake for most of it! She still doesn't sleep through the night, I have a feeling it will be a long time until we reach that point. She sleeps from 8-1, 1:30-5 and then she comes to bed with me and sometimes I can get her back to sleep until 6. She is starting to get a bit more hair on that little fuzzy head of hers! Im sure she will be nearly bald until she is 2, thank God for bows!!! We are still waiting for her social security card, sadly Illinois seems to be the slowest state ever!! I called the ss office and they said that she hasn't even been issued a number yet so I can either wait another month and hope it comes or go reapply and get her card in 2 weeks. With Tegan getting close to her 3 month bday we have many exciting things to look forward to! She will be getting her ears pieced soon, I am soo excited!!! Her first valentines day is just around the corner and not too far following is her first easter! She will also be taking her first plane ride in April to go see her Aunt Lori, Uncle Gabe and her two cousins. So many exciting things have happened and so many exciting things are to come!! Here are a few new pictures of our growing little princess!!!


Jessica Potter said...

She is sooo dang precious. I just want to kiss that little face! I love her cute clothes too! Such a good mommy!

Anonymous said...

I love love love the new pics. My favorite is the little green outfit with the little green bow ;) So pretty :)

The Wendorff's said...

I can't wait to take naps with my baby... You two look so cute!!