Zachary finished up the last of painting Tegan's wall the other day. It turned out so cute!!! I hope she likes it and grows up knowing how much love her daddy put into painting it for her. It adds the perfect girly touch and fits in so well!! I love it! Yesterday Zach and his dad made Tegan's window seat toy box. It is basically a big rectangle box with four big baskets in it for her toys. I bought the foam and fabric today to make the padded seat, tomorrow I am going to sew it. Once that is done her room is finished!!! I Finished packing my bag today as well as the dogs bag (he will be staying with my mom while we are at the hospital) I can't beleive I am 35 1/2 weeks along. Zach bought a bag today, now all he has to to is pack it and put it in the work car incase I go into labor while he is at work. We bought Tegans first christmas stocking and ornament along with new stockings for Zach and I..and they are already hung!!! lmao only a few more days until the tree goes up!! Come over and help us Tommi!!! hehe. I know it is early and some of you think Im nuts but with Tegan's arrival coming fast and being so close to thanks giving(which is when it usually goes up) we decided to put it up now, not to mention all the gifts are in her room. I am nesting like crazy trying to get everything in order and perfect!! I know I still have atleast two weeks, wow that really isn't long haha, but I am trying to get it all done now. Only 6 more days until my 36 week ultra sound and the scheduling of my c section..that means little miss has 6 days to turn her little self into the right position. I know you all just saw belly shots 3 days ago but my belly looks WAY different now then it did! Tegan was pushed way out making me look very square so we decided to get the camera out! You can visually see that she is transeverse! Today I got my very first "you must be ready to pop" haha. Enough babble here are pictures!
Tegan's finished bedroom wall
Here is my square belly!! It looks so much bigger than it did 3 days ago! scroll down to my previous blog to compare, you wont believe it!