Tuesday, October 28, 2008

35 weeks!

Today I am 35 weeks pregnant! Only 35 days until my due date..thirty five! I cant believe how close it is getting. I am doing well, Tegan is still transverse causing me pain and discomfort. You can really see that I am carring her sideways by my belly shots. This next week is going to be a very very exciting week for us! Monday we are putting up the christmas tree, yes it is early but all the gifts are in Tegan's room and thanksgiving (when we usually put it up) is too close to my due date, not to mention I am super excited for the holidays! Tuesday I will be 36 weeks and I get to vote for the first time! yay!!! Friday is my 36 week ultra sound and the scheduling of my cestion if Tegan hasn't turned. Dr B is wanting to do the c section at 39 weeks which honestly makes me nervous! That is the week of thanksgiving, if they make it for before thanksgiving that is fine..but if he makes it for after thanksgiving that puts me too close to 40 weeks!! My dr said that he doesn't want me to go into labor on my own and go to the hospital and get an on call dr and have it be a stressful situation..well if this is the case then then why not take her a bit sooner?? Im going to talk to him and see if maybe we could make my csection for 38 weeks instead. I am already in so much pain and discomfort from the way she is laying..sometimes I am in tears begging her to move for mommy. She must think it's funny because she will kick me and continue to lay all comfy and transverse lmao!

Here are my 35 week pictures!

1 comment:

April and Jeff said...

Awww, I hope she moves for you hunny...so you can be more comfy! Pretty belly shots as usual! Can you believe the end is in sight? And a new beginning in just around the corner? HUGS