Monday, August 4, 2008

NEVER have I been more scared in my life!

My mother in law came over today after she got off of work to mow our lawn..she is one of those silly people that loves to mow after a hard days work, she says it releases all her stress and is a good work out. She was getting ready to head back to her house right around the time Zach was leaving for work. We were watching the news and it said that we had very severe thunderstorms and 70 mph winds coming our me not wanting to be home alone during such a horrid storm I grabed the dog and went with my mother in law to stay the night at her house in mt morris which is 10 minutes from polo where I live. Of corse not even a block from my house it starts to rain and the winds kick in, rather than turning around we keep going..never is it as bad as the news says it is going to be. Well we get just out of polo and it hits BAD! Where I live it is all little towns in the middle of the country..that is it! So we were in our car in the middle of the country during this horrid storm...then the thing on the radio goes off saying to get to a basement asap, the winds were blowing so bad we couldn't see and the car was blowing all over so finally we pull up into someones drive way next to a barn to block us from some of the wind and try to wait it out a bit. The car was rocking all over, I was crying and praying my little heart out. All I could see in my head was the car flipping and blowing away and something happening to my sweet Tegan. I wasn't even worried about me, I was worried that if something were to happen to me Zach would be losing his baby girl. I was trying to stay calm so I was taking deep breaths and praying praying praying. Zach called the cell phone to let us know he made it to work, thank God! I told him we were still out in it so be thinking of us..and he said. that there is a tornado in mt morris! Finally it lets up enough for us to we finally get to mt morris and there were trees down EVERYWHERE! you had to weave up and down streets to even get through the town because nearly every street had a tree blocking it. We got to my mother in laws house and I just broke down and cried and cried, I am so thankful God was watching over us and that we are all ok! There is no electric or phones in mt morris, or oregon (where zach works), and trees were down everywhere...polo always gets hit harder so all I could then think about was my house because we have two giant trees in the yard. My mom picked me up from my mil's and brought me home to make sure everything was ok..polo didn't get hit half as bad, we still have power and my house is ok. I should have never left home, but thankfully I am back home and both Tegan and I are well.

1 comment:

April and Jeff said...

How scarey! I'm glad you all are alright!