I am 29 weeks today! Only 77 more days until my actual due date, 8-12 more weeks and she will be here!!!! I am starting to feel very very pregnant, and look it for that matter!!! The mommy marks are starting to come in full force now, the other day I had Zach take a pic of my belly because it was all deformed from miss Tegan popping out and when I looked at the picture I couldn't believe the new stretchmarks that I didn't know I had!!!! Sleeping is getting harder and harder, my back and belly dont bother me at all..it is my hips that kill!!! I sleep with a pillow between my legs and wedged under my belly but nothing seems to take the hip pain away. I'm just a small framed girl that doesn't have much room left to give lol. My boobs are leaking more and more now days, if I cross my arms I leak, if the dog steps on me I leak, if i get upset I leak lmao! No more days going without a bra, now I need a bra and breast pads haha!!! Hormones seem to be at an all time high, I have headaches daily now..usually in the afternoon and heartburn is back worse than ever!!! Tegan is such a crazy hyper little girl, some days she doesn't stop moving lmao!!! You can see my belly hop and bounce and shift shape and bulge out in spots, it is amazing!!! At nights if feels like I have popcorn popping in my belly lmao!!!! As uncomfortable and sick I am some days, I love everything pregnancy has to give!!! I always said that when I got pregnant that I want to feel it all..and I do :) and I wouldn't change it for the world!!!! After all this is my dream come true, how could I ever seriously complain!!! Every day of heartburn or sore hips or leaking boobs is such a blessing!!!!
Here are my 29 week belly shots! Notice all my new mommy marks!!! I go in for my OB apt this thursday, I will get the results to my glucose test and labs then. I will post an update as soon as I get home from the apt so be looking out come thursday.
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