Friday, January 23, 2009

9 weeks already???

Yes that is right, little Miss Tegan is now nine whole weeks old!!! Nine weeks two days to be exact! She had her 2 month check up and shots yesterday, which was both exciting and heartbreaking at the same time. She is growing so much each and every day. I swear I go to bed at night and awake to a bigger baby each morning!! She is looking less and less baby like and more and more like a little person! Tegan is now 11lbs 2oz and 22 whole inches long!!! She is beautiful and nice and healthy, Dr Shah was very happy with her growth and developmental progress. She had four shots while at the dr, her little tears just melt my heart into pieces. I felt so bad for her!!!! She laid there with those big blue eyes looking at me as the tears poured out..I hate it when she has to get her shots!!! She was cranky and slept most of the day following her shots so I cuddled with her to keep her comfy, after all there is nothing like mommy. Tegan is now a formula fed baby. I got very sick with the flu which caused my milk to nearly dry up. Tegan is doing very well with formula and she is liking her new bottles! I am so glad we found bottles that she likes! I have noticed that since going on formula she eats less and poops less but dr shah said that it is nothing to be worried about because she is gaining weight right on track and doing so well. For all those that said that formula will make her sleep longer through the night are nuts haha because Tegan sleeps just as much as she always has. She wakes every 3-4 hours at night, I have a feeling it will be a long time before we make it through the night. I still have a teeny tiny bit of milk, If I pump I can get a whole 1/4 oz from BOTH breasts combined :( it is enough to comfort her when she is really upset but that is about it. As long as she is growing nice and big that is all that matters. It is crazy that she is already 9 weeks old! She lights up the room with that big gummy smile and her little coos and gurgles. She contently plays and grabs her toys while kicking her legs up a long as she is on her back of course. Tummy time is torture time in Tegan's eyes!! She will lay on her tummy time mat and lick it for a few seconds lift her head up then start to whine which always leads to screaming. She is such a little sweetie pie!!! Oh how I love her! Here are some new pics of my big girl :) Enjoy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great update! Very very cute pictures! Hope she starts sleeping longer for you soon!