Friday, January 30, 2009

Tegan's taggie outfit

This is an outfit and matching bow that I made for Tegan. She loves playing with ribbon and always has her fingers latched on to something so I thought "why not make a little shirt that she can grab on to. She loves it! it looks cute too :)Of course it isn't perfect with it being my first attempt but I do like it and have ideas for others...


Anonymous said...

Anna loved tags when she was little that's even before I'd heard of ' taggies' she really loved the satin ones Love the big smile picture !

The Wendorff's said...

Very cute outfit. Too bad I am having a boy. No bows for me!

Evyn said...

Cute! Amelia has a taggie outfit but she doesn't really care for it, she prefers to have her hands in her mouth *lol*

Btw---you inspired me to make some headbands! Ill be posting pictures later today if you want to check them out.