Tuesday, June 3, 2008

14 weeks!

Today makes me 14 weeks pregnant with my little Sweet Tart!!!! I can't believe in about 26 weeks I will be holding my miracle in my arms!!! I am 6 weeks away from being half way there, yay!!!! I have been doing well, I haven't thrown up since friday which is so wonderful. I weighed myself this morning to find that I am now up 5 whole pounds since my pre pregnancy weight of 133 I was soooo excited to see that I am finally back on track with my weight gain. I still dont eat much but as long as the numbers on the scale keep going up that is all that matters so me!! My favorite things to eat are fruit salad, peanut butter toast, celery and chocolate milk! Most days nothing sounds good at all other days I have mad cravings! I finally got my nachos from taco bell yesterday, yum!!! I am starting to have some strong roud ligament pains, I notice them most when changing sleep positions and when getting off the couch. I still dont have any stretch marks on my belly :) but my boobs are a different story! I have become the queen of coco butter so I really hope it helps keep my skin pretty...if not I will have the beautiful mommy marks..stretch marks dont really bother me because I know that they are from my miracle but it would be nice to be mark free hehe. I had a busy weekend, I had my cousins graduation party on saturday (which is why I have a horrid farmers tan in the pics) and then my step brothers graduation and grad party sunday..needless to say I was beyond pooped by the end of sunday! I came home and layed on the couch and awoke to a dark house 4 hours later lmao!!! I get so tired so fast now! I have another busy week ahead of me, Zach and his dad are redoing our hard wood floors this week YAY!! I can't wait for them to be done!!!! The floors in the baby room will be done today and the living room and hall will get done this weekend..so my house is a mess from things being moved around and such lol..I am chilling in the basement today but come this weekend I will have to go stay at my mother in laws to avoid the fumes when they do the living room. Friday at 3:30 I have my first ultra sound with my ob, Im going to see if he can take a little peek and get some idea as to what we are having!! I know they will say it is too early blah blah but I have 3 friends that found out the sex at 12 weeks and I will be 14 1/2 so it is worth a shot. I just can't wait to find out if I am pregnant with my little Ezra Mykel or my Tegan Marie!!!!! Here is my 14 week belly shot and some pictures that were taken on sunday at the party :) enjoy!!!!

Mom, Daddy Dave, and I

Dave and I

My little sister and I

1 comment:

Jamie Lea B said...

You look great and you have that glow baby lol.This is your time enjoy all the ups and downs it will be over before you know it and the end result is a bundle of joy.