I know I know, I'm a bit behind on updating you all and a few of you are wondering how my appointment went. I have just been so darn busy that this is the first time that I'm home and awake and not with my head over the toilette to update you. I had my OB appointment yesterday at 9 am, I was late to my appointment because I went to my Dr's old office location, I didn't know he got moved ALL the way across town. Finally I got there and had to wait a bit due to be being late lol but I got there :) I am SO happy to be back with Dr. Battacharya, he is the best and after seeing him I remember why Zach and I love him so much! He is so sweet, understanding and he really does what is best for the patient and he lets you know EVERYTHING!! He was beyond happy to see Zach and I and so happy that we finally have a wonderful pregnancy! I am a bit sad that there are 5 Dr's on the call list so I may not have him the day I go into labor, I just pray I'm lucky and I do get to have him deliver my miracle. After all he was the one that started us out in trying to conceive. They checked my blood pressure, which was amazing as always and talked alot. Dr Holden (my RE) STILL hadn't sent my records over, I was so freaking pissed! They were to have sent them last week and didn't I called two days before my ob apt to find out they didn't send them and they said they were going to send them that day but nope they didn't..hmm imagine that! grr I'm so glad to be out of that office! So after telling Dr B everything and getting him caught up he went over all the normal first ob apt stuff. Thanks to my records not being sent over I had to sign to have another HIV test done, I was told that if they weren't able to get ahold of my records from Dr Holden and if I didn't get all the tests redone now then I would have to submit my baby to have blood work and there is no way so I did the HIV test again! Along with that I had the normal pregnancy panel done, they took 10 viles of blood and I hadn't eaten or drank much so I got really tired from it Lil. The nurse had everything set out to do a pap and when Dr B came in he told me he was going to do one and I simply said it made me nervous and he said that he understands and doesn't mind waiting to do one until Im 32 weeks if that makes me feel better..see why I love him! I asked him if he would check the heart beat so he brought in the doppler and found that beautiful little sound right away!! The darn doppler didn't give us a number but it was going nice and strong. Due to me not being released from Dr Holden until 12 weeks Dr B said I missed a very big ultra sound, the one were they check for downs that is done at 13 weeks..but on a good note..due to no records being sent over I get a dated ultra sound of sweet tart done next week! yay!!! The Dr's office gave me a diaper bag full of goodies for the pregnancy :) the nurses, lab techs, front desk lady's, EVERYONE at the office was SO nice..I love it! The office Dr B used to be at was full of bitches and Dr Holden's office sure wasn't full of nice friendly people other than 2 of the nurses. It is so nice to finally be in a good environment surrounded by supportive positive sweet people.
I am doing ok, I dont know who said you feel better in the second trimester because with me that is so not true!! I was in the bathroom throwing up the other day for 10 minutes and today I walked down the bread isle in walmart and threw up my breakfast (I dont know what it is about the smell of bread) I have been doing well with eating. Im back up to being +3 pounds so hopefully Im back on the good track. I am so in love with this baby, every time I look at my belly I smile so big and feel so complete...aww. I ordered a few more maternity shirts from old navy today...they had a giant sale online so woot woot!! I am having a hell of a time finding another knee length jean skirt with a full belly panel, I feel so bleh wearing the same jean skirt every time I go out..ha ha and what if someone notices??? ha ha oh well. We have Sweet Tart enrolled in the children's book of the month club so we are getting bunches of books :) we have some clothes but I dont want to buy many just yet because unisex isn't as much fun lol not to mention you always end up with tons of clothes at the shower!!! We have some diapers and wipes and we have started picking up some little toys for sweet tart :) I have an adorable shelf in my living room that can hold six baskets (3 on top and 3 on bottom) I have three baskets on bottom just for sweet tart, one has board books, and the other two have little toys in them. We love getting things for the baby, it is so much fun and bring so much happiness to Zach and I!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, I will be running around at graduation parties this weekend..bleh another long weekend for me. Take care all!!!
oh good he sounds like an awesome guy! and boo for the res office..arghh and the testing they are talking about is the one i had today. the nuchal translusency. but since your not high risk i wouldnt worry. and woo hoo for another next week.. just ask them for a shot.. tell them its for fun and you wont hold them to it! ill be excited for you.. i have my next big one july 17th! to confirm its a girl! yay
I am so happy things are going so well I mean besides the pukey stuff.I hope that gets better.You and zach deserve this happiness and I want you to enjoy every minute of it.It makes me so happy to see you soooo happy.
the theme song on the u/s reveals her name!
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