Friday, November 7, 2008

little miss Tegan isn't so little-ob update

I am finally home, I'm sorry it took so long but we had a few other stops to make while in rockford. Everything is going well. I somehow lost two pounds, I suppose that is what happens when you dont eat whoppers every day. My blood pressure was 104/60 which is in my normal range. Tegan did turn lol but I suppose when I asked for turn vibes I should have asked for you to send turn head down vibes lol clearly the vibes got conffused. Tegan decided to turn..but she turned totally in the breech position! Her giant head is painfully in my ribs now causing pain when I sit up straight. She is a very big baby!!! Right now she is measuring in at 7lbs which puts her in the 83 percentile for weight, and her head is measuring at 39weeks 3 days gestation lol. I knew she would have the infamous Wright head like her daddy and her uncles.

My ultra sound showed the my placenta is aging faster than it should be. Dr Bhattacharya wants to do a csection Monday November 24th but I have to wait for scheduling to call me on monday to know an exact day and time. I have to go in twice a week now for non stress tests due to Tegan's size, position and my placenta issue. I have my next appointment on tuesday morning. Tegan will be here in two weeks!!!! YAY! Im so ready to meet my little girl! We were able to see more than her ear today, we still didn't get any clear face shots or anything due to her position but we were able to see our baby girl and get some pictures of her. She has her mommy's nose and her daddy's lips..she is simply beautiful. I will update you all on monday with the set date and time for my csection.


April and Jeff said...

Well, it's good news that at least now you can relax and and have a plan on what will happen in two weeks. Looks like she's gonna be a nice healthy big girl! I'm so amazed at your journey. So SO SO happy for you!

Evyn said...

im getting so excited for you!!