Sunday, November 30, 2008

my piece of heaven-update and pics

All is well here in the Wright house. Little Miss Tegan is now a week and 5 days old! No one was joking when they told me they dont stay little for long. Tegan already looks so different than that little girl I held at the hospital. She is so beautiful and already has such a little personality. I am so very much in love! Zach and I have never been happier. We had a bit of an issue last week with her weight. After I had her she lost 10% of her body weight, by the time she had her first check up(2 days after we left the hossy) she was down 15% of her body entire pound smaller than she was at birth. I was crying hysterically when I found out how much she had lost!! The pedi wanted me to supplement with formula to help get her weight up, but that only lasted a few feedings. Tegan hated hated hated formula! It was hell to get her to take it, and when she did she would puke it up. So I decided to go back to strict breast milk and then she ate away with no problems. Two days after her first pedi apt we had to go back again to check her weight and my little stinker gained a whole 8oz back!!! yay for mommy's breast milk!!! I am pumping every two hours, it still amazes me that I can make milk! Tegan eats about 2-2 1/2 ounces every 2-3 hours. She isn't on a feeding schedule..I am a firm believer of feeding a baby when they are hungry and letting them eat until they are content. She seems to have a bit of a cold in her eyes :( I am keeping her eyes very clean and putting drops of breast milk in them and they are clearing up quite nicely (breast milk is the best med!). She goes back on the 8th of december for another check up. Before I know it my baby will be a month old! wow! I am doing well. I healed very fast from the csection. I am a bit tender to the touch but I am back to my old routine. The only complaint I have is the nagging ache in my back from the spinal..the nurse said that discomfort can last for a few months! I am already about back to my pre pregnancy weight, only 4 more pounds to drop!! I clearly dont look it due to my belly still shrinking and such but seeing the numbers on the scale made me happy haha! I think the last 4 pounds is really my boobs lmao! Here are a few new pics of my miracle for you all to see. She is getting soo big!


Patty said...

glad to hear she is back to gaining weight. Isn't it crazy how quickly they change! Sounds like she has a clogged tear duct, try using a warm compress, that helps a ton! Hope you are getting some sleep at night!

The Wendorff's said...

Teegan gets cuter and cuter everyday. Who do you think she looks like?

P.S. you put the wrong year for Teegan's birthday on the left side of your blog...just wanted you to know.

The Wendorff's said...

Sorry I spelled Tegan's name wrong on my last comment...

Evyn said...

Gahhh she is the sweetest little thing!!! Im glad things are going well. Amelia lost a lot at first as well, but she started gaining lots once her latch got better. We had loads of problems breastfeeding until she was about 4-5 weeks old!

Amelia ALSO has a clogged tear Patty said, use a warm wash cloth and massage the area beside her nose. It helps clear it out.

*sigh* Anyway, enjoy these days, they go by so quickly. I can't believe my little one is almost 3 months old!!!

Kristy said...

Tegan looks alot like I looked at her age. She had my eyes and nose but has daddy's lips, hands and feet. I can't wait to see who she ends up looking like.

the year is fixed, thanks for catching that error lindsey!!