Friday, July 18, 2008

a pointless trip..

I woke up this morning all excited for my ultra sound and my normal 20 week apt with my regular OB dr. We pulled Zach's mom out of work to take with us to see Tegan, drive the hour to the office to be told Im not having an ultra sound!!! I guess my insurance wouldn't cover another ultra sound even though my us last week was a fetal scan due to my afp results. Rather than my dr's office calling me to let me know there wouldn't be an ultra sound they had me drive up there. So I was pissed and in tears. I pee in my cup then go back to the room and wait and wait and wait, and they come in and tell me that my dr is doing a c-section today and isn't seeing people!!! OMG! Why the hell didn't they call me to let me know!! So I was sitting there crying and so upset about not being able to see Tegan, about dragging my mil out of work, about the hour drive for nothing..I was so heartbroken! I had to reschedule my apt for next thrusday for my regualr 20 week check up. grrr

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